

The secret to a perfect morning routine probably isn't what you think

Starting the day at 2am or taking fistfuls of supplements each morning is unlikely to help you get ahead in life.

How can I tell if I've got high cortisol levels?

It's commonly known as the 'stress hormone'.

5 simple ways to instantly find your 'biological age'

Sure, you can be 40 in length of time, but what's stopping you from having the biology of a 20-year-old?

I’m a neuroscientist. Here's how gambling can change your brain

We now know that gambling can be as addictive as drugs, but there are factors that can make it even harder to quit.

Here's the best way to prevent depression in retirement: new study

Several factors – including your income and marital status – can influence depression in later life.

It's time we rethink fibroids, the silent epidemic affecting 70% of women

Despite their prevalence, awareness of these potentially harmful growths is shockingly low.

The 8 science-backed secrets to a more restful night's sleep

The secret to sleeping longer isn’t spending more time in bed, it’s falling asleep faster.

What we're all getting wrong about infidelity, according to science

There is more than one way to be unfaithful to your partner.