Family walks aren’t usually known for their surprising plot twists, but for one North Dakota family that’s exactly what they got when they stumbled across an extraordinary fossil nestled in the dirt – none other than an adolescent Tyrannosaurus rex.
The discovery is particularly important as it could offer more insight into the life of this famous dinosaur. Nicknamed the ‘Teen Rex’, the fossil was discovered by two young brothers, their dad and cousin.
The young fossil hunters discovered the fossil back in 2022 while in the badlands of North Dakota, roughly 10 miles from the town of Marmarth. At the time, the children were only 7, 9 and 10. While on the walk, one of the children and their father noticed a large leg bone sticking out of the ground.

The father, Sam Fisher, contacted Tyler Lyson, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science curator of palaeontology, to confirm their finding.
"This discovery is particularly exciting because the majority of the Tyrannosaurus rex discoveries have been of adults. Having fossils of a younger animal to study will shed light on aspects of dinosaur life, such as growth patterns,” Lyson said.
“In addition, by embracing their passions and the thrill of discovery, three young scientists made an incredible dinosaur discovery that advances science, deepens our understanding of the natural world and inspires other explorers and future scientists.”
The Tyrannosaurus, one of the best-known dinosaurs by far, roamed western North America during the Late Cretaceous, between 90 and 66 million years ago.
A paper published in 2023 estimated that dinosaurs, including T.rex, were particularly smart, with roughly three billion neurons in their brains – more than a baboon would have. However, that has since been refuted, with more recent research proposing an intelligence that would match a reptile.
Currently, it is believed that this particular Tyrannosaurus was around 13-15 years old. It was 7.6 metres (25 feet) long and weighed in at around 1,500 kg. Typically, a T.rex would be fully grown at around 18-21 years old and can weigh more than twice as much as this specimen.
After a meticulous excavation and extraction process, the ‘Teen Rex’ was airlifted away using a Black Hawk helicopter and now resides at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. In total, the block of fossils and plaster encasing it weighed over 2,000 kg.
Now, the museum’s team of palaeontologists and volunteers will begin the process of cleaning the skeleton and readying it for study. The public can follow the progress made in the 'Discovering Teen Rex Prep Lab'.
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