Alex Hughes
Alex is a staff writer at BBC Science Focus. He has worked for a number of brands covering technology and science with an interest in consumer tech, robotics, AI and the often generally wonderful and weird world of future technology.
Recent articles by Alex Hughes
Daylight Saving Time 2025: The reason behind the US clock change, explained
Why do we have to change the clocks and who's idea was it originally?
Regularly reading articles like this will protect your brain from ageing: new study
Or any feature, book, or even email, according to new research.
Once-in-a-generation planet parade tonight: How to see the rare 7-planet alignment
A rare occurrence, the planet parade is an event any astronomy fan should try to catch.
We could soon end wrinkles and grey hair forever, study suggests. Here's how
Through the use of naturally-occuring hormones, scientists believe they can fight the signs of ageing occuring.
How to spot a narcissist: Scientists may have discovered a key new sign
According to a new study, narcissists are more likely to feel socially excluded.
Always tired? A fixed bedtime matters more than sleep duration, study finds
Consistently falling asleep and waking at the same time each night is more important for a long life than previously thought.
Earth's core may be changing shape – and it has scientists puzzled
Strange changes to seismic waves deep under the planet could reveal unusual activity in the Earth's core.
Asteroid on Earth collision course could spark global winter, warn experts
Bennu, the near-Earth asteroid, is giving scientists reason for concern.
It’s 2050 and schools look like…
With the advancements of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and a variety of other important technologies, the way we learn will soon look completely different.
Our chances of finding alien life just skyrocketed. Here’s why
Samples from the asteroid Bennu could not only give us insights into life on Earth but also the potential for more across the Universe.
Mouse with two dads created in major biological breakthrough
A scientific first, this feat of stem cell engineering poses questions for the future of reproduction.
Here’s how more power outages could soon spread across the US
A rise in power cuts is linked to climate change, study finds
Incredible new Pompeii discovery reveals the lives of the ancient super-rich
They took saunas to the next level.
Could I really land a plane in an emergency?
Need to emergency land a plane? It just might be possible, even without training.
The 10 weirdest gadgets millionaires are set to buy this year
The biggest tech event of the year has come and gone, here are our picks for the weirdest gadgets announced.
This is the most effective way to quit vaping, according to Oxford scientists
Want to kick the habit? A review of research into vaping could help.
The 10 best (and weirdest) tech trends of 2024
2024 was a big year for tech. While we bettered humanity through tools, gadgets and high-tech advancement, just as many innovations left us fretting for the future.
11 totally ridiculous high-tech gifts billionaires can buy this Christmas
From personal aircraft to sports teams, here’s what billionaires will be buying each other this Christmas (with some more modestly priced alternatives for the rest of us).
Intermittent fasting could significantly reduce hair growth, study suggests
While other health benefits have been connected to intermittent fasting, scientists have now linked it to a reduction in hair growth.
Meteor shower tonight: How to see dazzling Geminid shooting stars 2024
Look to the sky for one of the best meteor showers of the year.
Scientists discover exactly when man and dog became friends
A relationship spanning thousands of years, but when exactly did it start?
Fireball meteor shower: How to see the spectacular November Leonids
Known as one of the best meteor shower events, the Leonids are one you won’t want to miss.
Fireball meteor shower tonight: How to see the Northern Taurids November peak
Full of unusually bright meteors, the Taurids offer a spectacular viewing experience.
The Y chromosome is disappearing. Is this the end of men?
The Y chromosome, responsible for creating the male sex, is on the way out. But something appears to be taking its place.