Do plants grow better you sing to them?

Do plants grow better you sing to them?

Singing to your succulents, crooning for chrysanthemums or wailing at a wallflower – does any of it really work?

Published: October 2, 2015 at 1:00 pm

Asked by: Ellie Fowlds, Torbay

There is some evidence that they might. A 2014 study at Osmania University in Hyderabad, India found that roses grew faster when exposed to Indian classical music than western rock music or silence. And a 2011 study at Zhejiang University in China reported 10 percent faster mushroom growth using a mixture of music and cricket chirps. Sound vibrations have also been shown to activate certain plant genes. But these studies were not double-blind - the researchers could hear the music too, so it may be just that people do a better job of tending plants when they listen to music they like.

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