Luis Villazon
Q&A expert
Luis trained as a zoologist, but now works as a science and technology educator. In his spare time he builds 3D-printed robots, in the hope that he will be spared when the revolution inevitably comes.
Recent articles by Luis Villazon
What are the chances I'll be hit by a falling satellite?
What are the chances of you getting hit by space debris? Let's check the odds.
You can be declared dead, but can you be declared alive?
Being declared dead when you're still alive is a rather sticky situation.
What's the strongest acid in the world?
10 quadrillion times more acidic than sulphuric acid, this is the acid to look out for.
Could I build a nuclear reactor in my shed?
Don't try this at home. Or in your garden.
Will artificial gravity ever be possible?
From warp drives to electromagnetic fields, here’s why artificial gravity on Earth is still a sci-fi dream.
Why is Moon dust so sticky?
Moondust like sand on the beach only much, much worse.
What is a nuclear battery and how does it work?
They might sound dangerous, but new nuclear batteries could become a useful power source.
How can you tell if a spider is dangerous?
Remember the rhyme: Incy wincy spider climbed up the waterspout - In all likelihood, it's nothing to worry about.
Olympics: Will we reach a point where sports records can no longer be broken?
How close are humans to peak performance? Not far off, says science.
The strange reason Olympic divers have such tiny towels
There's some surprising science behind the small towels used by the likes of Tom Daley.
If time travel were possible, should you really avoid contacting yourself?
Everything sci-fi taught us about time travel was wrong…
If you shot a bullet straight up, how far would it travel?
Best not to try this experiment at home…
Scientifically, what’s the best way to cut a sandwich?
Or are you a sandwich renegade who opts for eating the thing whole?
How close are we to having tractor beams, like in Star Trek?
Beam me up, Scotty.
If we extracted and used all of the fossil fuels on Earth, would the planet become lighter?
Turns out burning fossil fuels doesn't just have an impact on Earth's temperature.
Why are there 12 notes in an octave?
This one's for the music lovers out there.
If my brain was in my stomach, would I 'think from my stomach'?
Is what we think with the same as where we think from?
If you farted hard enough in space, could you move yourself around?
You can eat as many beans as you like in space, apparently.
Here’s why living in space would be a dictator’s dream come true
From physical to societal challenges, living in space would be no easy feat.
Here’s what happened when an astronaut took a yo-yo into space
The ups and downs of a yo-yo is based on physics but will it work without gravity?
Wearing headphones might be helping bacteria grow in your ears
Sealing off the entrance to your ears can increase the population of bugs.
No, you absolutely cannot drop candy into the Large Hadron Collider. Here's why
The Large Hadron Collider accelerates protons to near the speed of light so throwing an M&M down there could be catastrophic.
This is how many humans a T. Rex would need to eat each day to stay alive
As an apex predator, the T. rex would have needed a hefty supply of flesh to meet its dietary requirements.
Rome wasn't built in a day... and here's why
Building a city is complicated and, even with a huge amount of manpower, building materials need time to cure and set once used.