

Childhood is one of the most formative times of our entire lives. We go through huge physical changes as our bodies grow and develop, turning from a tiny newborn to an adolescent. We learn to speak, walk and read. We learn about the world around us and how to interact with it. Our personalities are heavily influenced by our parents, our siblings, and the friends we have. The family that raises us can define how we live the rest of our lives.

How many fathers are unknowingly raising children that aren't theirs?

A surprisingly common issue that is occurring around the world.

The best books for budding scientists

From family foraging guides to science history made fun, these are the best science books for kids.

Does having children actually make you happy? A neuroscientist explains

Some parents say having kids is the best thing they've ever done... others would quite like some time to themselves. So, overall, does having kids make you happier?

Discover the best microscopes for kids in 2024

Encourage your kids' curiosity about the natural world with these microscopes designed with young science lovers in mind.

Is ‘baby brain’ a real thing and, if so, what causes it?

The mental changes a mother goes through during pregnancy can be attributed to hormones, physical changes in the brain and sleep deprivation.

What is the mirror test?

This self-recognition test has been conducted on humans as well as animals.

Child depression rates are skyrocketing - but social media isn’t to blame. Here’s why

It’s tempting to think that our digital lives on TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are the cause of a child mental health crisis. But there might be something altogether more analogue going on, argues Prof Pete Etchells.

What is the easiest language to learn? A complete beginner’s guide to linguistics

Are children really better at learning languages? And what will the language of the future be? An expert linguist answers all.

Best LEGO gifts for 2024: collectables, wearables, wall art and more

Looking to treat the LEGO lovers in your life? We've got you covered with our selection of the best LEGO gifts.

Why do children go hyperactive when it is windy?

Energetic behaviour on windy days seems commonplace in the classroom.

Best gadgets for kids: 10 techy toys for all interests

Whether you're after a set of walkie talkies, or a new coding toy, allow for a more dynamic playtime with the best kids' gadgets around.

9 ways your childhood was weird

No, it's not because your mum made you wear horrible shoes. It's because it lasted for many years, which makes us different from other animals.

Hepatitis in children: What we know about the surge in liver disease cases

The UK has seen a rise in child hepatitis cases since January 2022. What have scientists learned about the cause and likelihood of liver disease in children?