

Mars, also known as the Red Planet because of the rich iron oxide that covers its surface, is the second-smallest planet in the Solar System and one of the closest neighbours to Earth. Named after the Roman god of war, Mars has been known to humans since the age of the ancient Egyptians and has fascinated astronomers for thousands of years. Although we are yet to discover Martians, it remains one of the most important sites in the search for alien life, and has been the home of the Mars Curiosity Rover since 2012. Maybe one day, with nations like China and companies like SpaceX investing heavily, it will be a home for humans.

Alien life on Mars: Ancient beach discovery may offer clearest proof yet

It's no Greek island, but the red planet's beaches may still have attracted microbial vacationers.

Could we terraform Mars?

Dune is set on a desert planet in a distant star system, where science has enabled humans to live and breathe. Could we use the same technology to terraform Mars?

Scientists finally solve mystery of Mars's core

Scientists read the planet’s ‘pulse’ to work out what’s actually going on inside.

Interesting facts, figures and fun questions about the Red Planet

Join us on a journey to the fourth planet from the Sun with amazing facts, incredible images and vital information about Mars.

Europe’s Martian orbiter releases incredible pictures of the Red Planet’s ‘Grand Canyon’

The images taken by ESA’s Mars Express orbiter show the vast scale of Mars’s Valles Marineris canyon system.

Could bringing back samples of Martian rock contaminate the Earth with foreign microbes?

NASA and ESA plan to bring back samples or rock, soil and air from the Red Planet within the next two decades.

For All Mankind: What’s stopping us from going to Mars?

The third series of this sci-fi drama posits an alternative timeline in which humans visit Mars in the 1990s. So could we soon be flying to the Red Planet?

Dancing planets: How can I see Venus, Saturn and Mars this week?

Take advantage of the clear skies and look out for the three planets as they come into view.

A Year on Mars: What has Perseverance achieved?

It’s been a mission of firsts, and it’s still going strong.

What the once-in-a-lifetime eruption can teach us about the history of Mars

The eruption of the Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai volcano is thought to be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Now, scientists studying the explosion are uncovering information that may help us better understand Mars's volcanic past.

Mars Sample Return: The mission that will bring home a piece of another planet

An ESA scientist tells us why we’re bringing samples home from Mars.

The plans to build a Martian mega city you’d actually want to travel 300 million km to live in

With more missions reaching the Red Planet, a human landing glints on the horizon. But what could the first permanent Mars metropolis look like?

There may still be active volcanoes on Mars

Volcanic activity on the Red Planet may produce conditions capable of supporting microbial life, study finds.

Could there be fossils on Mars?

Asked by: Emily Hunter, Leicester

NASA's Ingenuity becomes first helicopter to fly on another planet

The small helicopter successfully took flight on the Red Planet on Monday.