The European Space Agency (ESA) has also been described as 'Europe's gateway to space'. With 22 European countries pooling their resources to ESA, the agency's objective is to develop Europe's space capability whilst ensuring this investment also benefits those on Earth. ESA's programme includes human spaceflight, and the launch and maintenance of unmanned spacecraft to other planets/moons. ESA is highly influential with regards to space science, technology, telecommunication, and provides invaluable data via observing the Earth from above.
This stunning new cosmic map could decode our dark Universe
Millions of galaxies found; billions more await. The Euclid space telescope’s first glimpse into the universe will blow your mind.
Armageddon defence system: The new missions that could protect Earth from world-killing asteroids
Could we deflect an asteroid to stop it from hitting Earth? The success of NASA’s DART mission suggests so, but only after ESA’s soon-to-launch Hera mission has checked the results will we know if this approach to planetary defence is a viable possibility.
Monumentally massive explosion spotted on mysterious dead star
A satellite in the right place at the right time has captured an important cosmic sight.
JWST: The new Cartwheel Galaxy image shows us how stars are born
The latest stunning image released by the James Webb Telescope reveals the inner workings of the rare ring galaxy in unprecedented detail.
Could bringing back samples of Martian rock contaminate the Earth with foreign microbes?
NASA and ESA plan to bring back samples or rock, soil and air from the Red Planet within the next two decades.
’Tsunami-like’ starquakes discovered in the most detailed survey of the Milky Way ever
The European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft’s latest data dump has revealed a treasure trove of insights about our home galaxy.
Exoplanet shaped like a rugby ball spotted by Cheops telescope
The discovery could help to shed light on the internal structure of planets.
Scientists pinpoint where on the Sun hazardous solar particles come from
The high-energy particles that come from the Sun could pose a radiation risk to astronauts and people travelling in planes.
Here's how YOU can apply to become one of ESA's newest astronauts
The European Space Agency is hiring a new class of astronauts. You could be one of them.
Your space agency needs YOU: ESA astronaut applications are opening
The agency is will also launch the Parastronaut Feasibility Project for future astronauts with physical disabilities.
ESA announces plans for space telescope to study exoplanet atmospheres
Ariel, which will launch in 2029, will focus on planets unlikely to host life as we know it.
ESA and NASA unveil bold plans for the future of space exploration
The plans include landing the first woman on the Moon, establishing a space station in orbit around the Moon, and returning samples of Martian rock to Earth.
Solar Orbiter | 'Campfires' captured in closest ever images of Sun
The images were captured last month by the Solar Orbiter, a probe designed and built in the UK.
Comet Interceptor | Unlocking the secrets of the early Solar System
Comets may hold the secret to life on Earth. That’s why scientists are designing a mission that will pay a visit to one of these enigmatic, icy travellers to take a closer look.
Out of this world | Recreating space on Earth
Earth’s most extreme environments now host teams of astronauts who are experimenting with the tools, skills and protocols they’ll need to live on another planet.
ExoMars mission delayed until 2022
The ExoMars mission was scheduled for launch in the summer, but due to a number of outstanding tests will now have to wait until at least 2022.
Solar Orbiter launch: 'mission for a generation' satellite on its way to the Sun
The shuttle carrying the satellite launched into space in the early hours of Monday morning.
Race to Venus | What we'll discover on Earth's toxic twin
Scientists want to return to Venus, so they can try to find out why it morphed from a pleasant planet into a fiery and inhospitable hell hole.
Star visible to naked eye reveals history of Milky Way Galaxy
The star, ν Indi, holds clues to the Milky Way's collision with the dwarf galaxy Gaia-Enceladus.
CHEOPS, ESA's exoplanet-studying satellite, launched successfully
The CHEOPS mission seeks to examine planets orbiting bright stars relatively close to our Solar System.
Proposed ESA 'satellite embracer' scoops up hazardous space debris
Other options for dealing with space debris include casting a net over objects or using a harpoon.
Mark McCaughrean | How do you build a successful space mission?
When the European Space Agency launches a mission into space, Mark McCaughrean explains the hurdles they have to leap to finally get it off the ground.
In pictures | ESA’s Martian rover readies for launch
If all goes to plan, the European Space Agency’s Rosalind Franklin rover, currently being tested in Toulouse, France, will be the first to search for life on the Red Planet.
How the Parker Solar Probe will 'touch the Sun'
We’ve visited Pluto and the outer reaches of the Solar System, and our rovers are trundling over the surface of Mars. Yet the Sun has remained stubbornly out of reach… until now.