Deemed as man’s best friend, the Dog is a species that has become part of many families. Dogs, members of the genus Canis, have been domesticated for over 10000 years and form a large part of human’s lives. Generally a dog's intelligence and obedience allows it to be easily trained, this characteristic has allowed dogs to take on roles to help our society, such as guide, rescue and police dogs. Depending on your definition, there are about 340 breeds of dog, the most popular of these include Retrievers, German Shepherd dogs and Bulldogs.
Think you understand your dog? This study says you’re wrong – and what you should do instead
A study on human perceptions of dog behaviour found we are much worse at understanding our dogs' emotions than we think we are.
Your dog’s weight struggles might be genetic (just like in humans)
Researchers studied over 200 very good boys to find the key genetic links between human and canine obesity.
Scientists discover exactly when man and dog became friends
A relationship spanning thousands of years, but when exactly did it start?
Here’s how to tell if your dog actually loves you, according to science
Your dog is so pleased to see you when you get home. Then again, that’s also when you feed them. So does your dog see you as their best friend or merely a food delivery system?
The strange reasons your dog eats grass (and poop)
Don't pretend like your pup hasn't done it.
Here's the easiest way to build a better bond with your dog, according to science
When speaking to your dog, you need to think about both what you say and how you say it.
Why do dogs circle round and round before pooping?
There really is nothing science hasn't turned its attention to.
Cats v dogs: Here’s who’s smarter, according to science
In the ultimate pet showdown, we size up the cerebral powers of our favourite furry friends.
Crossbreed dogs might not be as healthy as you think, study finds
The largest study ever into the health of crossbreeds is busting myths and changing how we think about healthy breeds.
Can owning a pet really slow cognitive decline?
Furry friends 'til the end.
Is my dog intentionally trying to make me laugh?
Our pets are often paws-itively hilarious. But are they doing it on purpose?
Simple ways to calm your stressed dog this Independence Day, according to an expert
A canine psychologist shares top tip to soothe your anxious pooch when the fireworks start flying.
Simple ways to calm your stressed dog this Fourth of July, according to an expert
A canine psychologist shares top tip to soothe your anxious pooch when the fireworks start flying.
The (incredibly adorable) reason your dog stares at you
What exactly is going on behind those big, brown eyes?
10 simple ways to keep your dogs safe and happy during a heatwave
Pro tips to keep your furry friend cool when it’s hot outside.
Here are the secret ways your dog is communicating with you
Your dog is trying to tell you something – you’re just missing the signs.
Does my dog love me? Here’s how to know for sure
Sure, they wag their tails to greet us and are happy to snuggle up and watch TV in the evening, but are our beloved pooches actually experiencing the same love for us as we feel for them?
The strangest animal behaviour to expect during April's solar eclipse
Steer clear of any giraffes or giant tortoises on 8 April. But do keep an eye on your pooch.
What is the deadliest creature in the UK?
Man’s best friend? Yeah, right.
Why do dogs like sticking their heads out of car windows?
They're not just feeling the wind in their fur...
Time with dogs could help improve your concentration, study finds
Need another excuse to hang out with your hound? Here’s one: scientists have now shown it increases the power of your brain waves.
Puppy love: How science explains our special bond with dogs
Researchers are increasingly uncovering the mechanisms by which we understand our pet pooches and how they understand us.
Study finally reveals which dogs live the longest
How long can we expect our floofy best friends to be with us? The results are in.
How to tell if your dog is a genius, according to new study
You may think your pup is pretty smart, but is it a genius?