A balanced diet is the key to maintaining a healthy body, in the UK, it is recommended that we eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day balanced with carbs, diary or diary alternatives, beans, pulses and protein. Diets vary from country to country and the Mediterranean diet is famous for its health benefits. With weight problems becoming an increasing concern in many countries, diets such as the Atkins diet, veganism and the 5:2 diet have taken the world by storm.
Most of us are overeating protein... and it’s driving up fat levels
We're likely over-consuming the world's most profitable nutrient – and it’s wrecking our waistlines.
What makes the Mediterranean diet so good for us?
Why simple changes to your everyday meals can be the path to better health.
Intermittent fasting could significantly reduce hair growth, study suggests
While other health benefits have been connected to intermittent fasting, scientists have now linked it to a reduction in hair growth.
Here's the biggest factor controlling where your body gains fat
Whether it's bums and tums or your arms and hips, flab can gather in all sorts of places. Here’s what controls body fat distribution and how to change it.
The anti-ageing diet: 6 science-backed changes to protect your skin, body and brain from getting older
New research is revealing the links between what you eat and how you age… And the foods that might help you slow the ageing process down.
Here's the only science-backed way to lose belly fat
There’s a lot of advice about exactly what you should do to shift that spare tyre around your waist. Does any of it add up?
The hidden rules of appetite that are ruining your weight loss plans
Obesity is on the rise, but as we blame our unhealthy food-ridden environment and look to wonder drugs to get rid of unwanted fat, what role do our genetics play?
Why fasting is a surefire way to lose weight (and keep it off)
Why restricting the hours you're allowed to eat could actually supercharge fat loss.
Why free school meals are the hidden bedrock of a better society
COMMENT | The real reasons every school child should be given a healthy, nutritious meal every day.
This diet can reverse your biological age in 8 weeks, claims bold new study
Going vegan could impact how your body ages, according to a small study of identical twins.
Oats mimic the effects of Ozempic, new study finds
However, scientists warn it's still not a weight loss superfood.
The carnivore diet: What eating only meat does to your health, a nutritionist explains
The meat-only diet has gone viral on social media, with its proponents claiming that humans evolved to exist on animal protein alone. But how healthy is it?
Autism could soon be detected in your poop. Here’s why
Your gut microbiome could be the key to understanding autism spectrum disorder.
What is a food pyramid and can it help me eat a healthy diet?
It's simple, but could be the key to getting the balance right in your diet.
Your fat could burn itself, say scientists in weight-loss breakthrough
Initial trials show promising potential for a future weight loss drug with fewer side effects and higher effectiveness.
These foods promote longevity and wellbeing in your 70s, study finds
Physical health, cognitive functioning and mental health all saw an uptick in later life with the correct diet.
Snacking on baby carrots could have serious health benefits, research shows
Seeing in the dark, making you live longer… is there anything carrots can’t do?
Why does protein make me fart?
Send this to your gassy partner.
Intermittent fasting and 'protein pacing' diet boosts your gut microbiome diversity, study suggests
It's the diet fad collaboration you never knew you needed.
Why do I sleep so well after eating red meat?
Fancy a pre-slumber sirloin?
There’s a hidden irreversible deficiency in most plant-based diets. Here’s how to avoid it
Vitamin B12 is lacking in most plant-based diets and can cause serious symptoms if it isn’t dealt with.
Time-restricted eating linked to 91 per cent higher risk of cardiovascular death
Perhaps it's time to stop skipping breakfast.
These new weight-loss drugs could help end obesity in decades
Cutting-edge weight-loss treatments might be
around the corner. But can they end obesity?
New fasting-like diet could reverse your biological age, study claims
A study has shown that cycles of a diet that mimics fasting can reduce signs of immune system ageing.