10 friendly alien invasion films that will have you welcoming our bug-eyed overlords
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10 friendly alien invasion films that will have you welcoming our bug-eyed overlords

Think all alien arrivals are here to take over the planet? Think again, here are some extra terrestrials we would genuinely welcome with open arms (most of the time).

Published: July 1, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Aliens aren’t all that bad. Sure, some of them seem hell-bent on sucking our brains out, overthrowing the planet and generally speeding up the inevitable demise of the human race, but on the other hand, some of them have actually proven to be quite helpful.

Here's our pick of the best alien movies that left us feeling genuinely thankful for our friendly little green visitors.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Yes, stealing three-year-old boys in the dead of night doesn’t sound particularly friendly, but the alien abductions inClose Encounters turn out all right in the end

Not only was everyone returned ship-shape and Bristol fashion, it also taught us a little bit about the human spirit, introducing this merry dittyto the world along the way.


Arrival (2016)

When an alien spacecraft lands on Earth, linguist Louise Banks is sent in to try to understand what the betentacled visitors are trying to say.

Most of the world seems to think they want to destroy us, so Banks tries to decipher if they have a more peaceful agenda using the power of grammar and syntax.

It turns out there is a bit of an “I scratch your back…” relationship, but ultimately we never imagined a sci-fi movie could help us prepare for an impending English exam.


Contact (1997)

Masterminded by the legend that is Carl Sagan, Contacttells the story of Dr Ellie Arroway, who while working for SETI discoversplans to build an interstellar device buried in a message from an advanced alien civilisation.

Ultimately Arroway is the only one who gets to enjoy the fruits of this extra-terrestrial communiqué and no one believes her report of the trans-dimensional voyage (well, nearly no one) but the film certainly makes you think about first contact and how aliens can be pretty helpful when they want to be.


The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

If a peaceful, yet powerful alien civilisation comes to Earth offering gifts to revolutionise humanity’s technology, try not to shoot it out of their hands as they give it over - especially if they’re watched over by a menacing, laser-toting guard (albeit one with the distinctly unmenacing name of Gort).

Sort of like a 1920s protection racket, the humanoid visitor Klaatu offers to spare Earth from inevitable destruction so long as we essentially all agree to be nice to each other. That doesn’t sound especially friendly until you find out it’s the inhabitants of Earth that would ultimately destroy the planet through nuclear war (or environmental damage if you decide to watch the woeful 2008 film with Keanu Reeves).

They also brought the phrase Klaatu barada nikto, which is pretty cool.


District 9 (2009)

It’s a running theme that when peaceful extra-terrestrials arrive on Earth it's usually to stop our own bloodlust getting in the way of progress, but when in District 9 a shipload of hungry aliens arrive seeking food and shelter in,it’s not our limbs they're after, but our help.

Humanity takes something of a dim view of this and confines the “prawns” to an internment camp, which needless to say our guests don’t take too kindly.

So yeah, not the best welcome we’ve ever given, but at least the film itself gives us a chance to look at how we handle refugees and deal with big business, teaching us a bit about our own humanity in the process.


E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

What list of joy-bringing aliens would be complete withoutE.T. The Extra-Terrestrial?

Instead of coming in the dead of night to take specimens of humans, the adorable little long-necked botanists are actually out collecting plant samples, when they get spooked and fly off leaving one behind.

Not only did the glowing-fingered ET bring friendship, happiness and a flying bike to young Elliot, the final scene showed the world that even the coldest of hearts could crack and shed a tear.

It also raked in a huge amount of money for some delighted movie execs somewhere.


Outlander (2009)

You might not rememberOutlander, not least because it was awful (backed up by flopping horribly at the box office), but also the premise was so utterly ridiculous.

From the lofty start of being loosely based on Beowulf, it’s downhill from thereon in as an alien Jim Caviezel crash lands in the Viking age to hunt a space dragon that threatens to gobble up all the pointy-hatted Scandinavians.

Needless to say, he saves the day, without which we probably wouldn’t have had long beards, the Jorvik Viking Centre or Thor. That's certainly worth cheering.


Paul (2011)

Paul seems like your standard beer-swilling, smooth-talking, wise-cracking lad, but he’s also an alien on the run.

Fortunately (for us), he teams up with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, the brains behind the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, in this brilliant buddy film as they romp across the USA evading the authorities.

Paul doesn’t really bring much to aid or assist humanity as a whole but he’d probably be a laugh down the pub, especially if he brings his mates.


Superman (1977)

Yes, Superman is a superhero, but he’s also an alien sent to Earth by his parents shortly before the demise of their home planet Krypton.

Upon learning how to control his super strength he’s able to thwart thieves, divert nuclear missiles, shore up the San Andreas Fault, reverse time and, let us not forget, save cats from trees.

And to think he did it all whilst hiding his identity behind a pair of thick-rimmed specs.


Mars Attacks!

So yeah, Martians swapping our heads onto a Chihuahua’s body, vaporising our world leaders and, horror of horror, attempting to kill Tom Jones, isn’t one to be welcomed, but it is unquestionably one of the funniest alien movies ever made.

And for that reason, we welcome our new alien overlords…

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