Here's the best time to shower for longer, more restful sleep

Here's the best time to shower for longer, more restful sleep

The hidden science behind a better wash time.

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Published: August 12, 2024 at 9:30 am

According to a 2022 Sleep Foundation poll, there’s a fairly even split between people who shower or bathe in the morning (42 per cent) and those who do it in the evening (38 per cent).

Studies comparing the two are hard to come by, but in 2019, scientists reviewed all the evidence on the benefits of a warm shower (or bath) before bedtime. 

Their results suggested that relaxing in warm water improves sleep quality and if you do it one or two hours before bedtime it can help you doze off quicker – although perhaps only by 10 minutes.


The thinking is that our circadian rhythms are partly driven by body temperature, which is naturally lower in the evening. Warm water reduces your body’s core temperature (by increasing blood flow towards your extremities) so may act as a sleep signal. 

More generally, sleep experts suggest an evening shower or bath relieves tension in tight muscles after an active day and promotes a sense of calm before bed.

Dermatologists have also weighed in on the debate, with some arguing you should wash before bed to prevent the dirt and grime on your skin from being transferred to your bedding. 

Other experts claim a morning shower stimulates skin cells, giving you a healthy glow for the day ahead, or that a quick rinse under cold water puts a cap on levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which are naturally higher in the morning.

Meanwhile, maths whizzes will have noticed that the figures on morning vs evening washing leave out 20 per cent of people who apparently don’t do either. 

We can assume they’re either showering at lunchtime (weird) or have no set routine (crazy). 

Or they don’t wash, which is the only option we’d advise against.

This article is an answer to the question (asked by Benjamin Thomas, Kent) 'Is it better to shower in the morning or the evening?'

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