New issue: Social Anxiety

New issue: Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is on the rise. Whether we’re using social media, video calls or a lowly text message to communicate, our interactions have become a lot more complicated since our cave-dwelling days. The pervasiveness of technology and the way we work and live in the modern world means the fear of being socially judged. The constant risk of being rejected is ever-present. Neuroscientist and author Dr Dean Burnett explains exactly what happens when that fear becomes overbearing - and what we can do to alleviate that anxiety.

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Published: March 19, 2024 at 7:00 am

The cover of issue 403 of BBC Science Focus magazine

Space oddities

We explore some of the weirdest places in the Universe, where the 'normal' rules don't apply. From places that squeeze time and blow bubbles, to mysterious voids in space and places that rain glass sideways.

Digital healthcare: Are the most in need being excluded?

Advances in tech – like the widespread use of smartphone apps – are supposed to make it easier for people to access healthcare services. But what if you don't have a smartphone? Or if you want a real person to talk to? Clearly, the tech isn't working for everyone.

Belly fat

There's a lot of advice about exactly what you should do to shift that spare tyre around your waist. But does any of it actually add up? What does the science say?

The Three-Body Problem

A new adaptation of one of the biggest sci-fi books from this century is landing on Netflix. It's a thrilling story anchored by ideas and breakthroughs from the cutting-edge of science and tech. We take a deeper dive into the science behind the fiction.


  • Google Gemini: Google is working on a model to take on Open AI. But is it good enough to take on ChaGPT? Our tech expert Alex Hughes takes a closer look at the newest AI on the block.
  • Quantum field theory: Quantum field theory is a symphony of vibrations that orchestrates everything from the motion of particles to the birth of stars – and perhaps even dark matter. It’s one of the most elegant and precise concepts in all of science - Prof Stephon Alexander takes us through the basics and why it's crucial in understanding the cosmos.
  • The return of infectious diseases: With measles, plague and cholera all rearing their heads again, are we seeing an unprecedented level of disease re-emergence? And what would it take to start another pandemic?

Issue 403 on sale 19 March 2024

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