The world's cutest animals can trigger a powerful response in many of us: their adorable faces, big soulful eyes and delicate facial features can really tug at our heartstrings. In fact, scientists think that when we see a set of facial and body characteristics commonly seen in human babies, it triggers a nurturing response.
It is no wonder, then, that photos and videos of the most cute and beautiful animals in 2024 head advertising campaigns, promote causes, and spread like wildfire on social media.
So, let us get to our candidates for the cutest animal in the world. The list is based more on instinct than solid scientific grounds, but even if we haven’t included your personal preference hopefully you can still share in an ‘awwwwh’ or 10.
1. Fennec fox

Native to the deserts of North Africa, this is the smallest fox species on the planet, which only seems to make their most distinctive feature – those wonderfully oversized ears – even cuter.
They live in burrows buried deep in the sand and only come out to hunt at night in order to protect themselves from the searing daytime temperatures. Those ears serve a purpose there, too: radiating heat to help keep the fennec fox cool.
2 – Adélie penguin

True, the Adélie penguin – found in the Antarctic – is undeniably cute. But they are also one of the fiercest hunters of all penguins. These birds can be quite aggressive, taking on challenges from much larger predators (and humans) that get too close. They are also excellent swimmers, able to move through the water at 14kmh (9.3 mph) when hunting.
The species get their name from the French antarctic explorer Jules Dumont d'Urville, who named them after his wife Adéle upon discovering them.
3 – Rusty-spotted cat

One of the smallest cat species in the world also happens to be one of the cutest. Like that moment in Shrek II when Puss In Boots turns on his charm, it would be very difficult to resist this beautiful feline.
On average, the rusty-spotted cat weighs around 1kg and is 50cm long – that's smaller than most house cats.
This cat is incredibly hard to spot, preferring to hide in dense forests of India, Sri Lanka, and small areas of Nepal. In recent years, their numbers have been dropping due to habitat loss.
4 – Giant panda

The giant panda, found in central China, is not only synonymous with successful wildlife conservation efforts but also renowned for being incredibly cute. Their big cuddly bodies and clumsy nature make it almost impossible for us not to fall in love with them.
Despite being classified as a bear, a giant panda's diet primarily consists of bamboo – they can eat over 35kg of it a day. This diet means they frequently poop – up to 40 times a day!
They're also master climbers, partly in thanks to a 'false thumb' on each paw that's actually an enlarged wrist bone.
5 – Quokka

Although they look like rodents, quokkas – found only on Rottnest Island, located off the coast of Western Australia – are closely related to kangaroos and wallabies. This cute nocturnal marsupial carries around its young in pouches in much the same way as their larger cousins.
They are the size of a domestic cat and have a great ability to climb trees to feed on their favourite leaves.
It comes as no surprise that this cute animal is known as the happiest-looking animal on the planet, thanks mostly to their seemingly permanent smile and their friendly personality.
6 – Galago

Galagos, also known as bush babies (due to their human baby-like cry), are omnivores that eat fruit and insects – and spend most of their time in trees. Their big eyes help them see in the dark and push up the cuteness factor.
Galagos can move their ears independently to locate prey and jump over five metres, which are neat party tricks.
7 – Sugar glider

Sugar gliders are a species of possum that, as the name suggests, can glide over relatively long distances for a small animal. They also like to eat sweet food such as sap and flower nectar and prefer to live high off the ground in tree canopies, clear of dangers lurking below.
Their large eyes make them even more cute, but also serve a purpose. As they are nocturnal, these large eyes help sugar gliders to navigate in low light.
Sugar gliders are also very social creatures, often living in colonies with up to 40 others.
8 – Red panda

Despite the name, red pandas are not related to giant pandas (but are just as cute). Weirdly though, the red panda was actually discovered 50 years before the giant panda.
With their big red bushy tails and sweet faces, they have more than a passing resemblance to a teddy bear. However they can be difficult to spot: they are primarily nocturnal creatures, mostly exploring their territory at night.
Red pandas live in mountain areas in Asia, hiding in trees and spending half of their lives asleep. They eat bamboo like their giant namesake but have a more varied diet which includes fruit, nuts and eggs.
9 – Axolotl

While we admit that most animals on this list are furry mammals, there is an amphibian we cannot resist. The axolotl is a type of salamander that spends its whole life underwater, despite having four legs which would be suited to living on the land.
With their cute eyes, feathery gills and a slight hint of a smile, axolotls are cute in an unusual way. Their ability to regenerate body parts, while not cute per se, only adds to their appeal.
10 – Pika

The lovable pika is a smaller relative of the rabbit and can be found in the rocky mountains of North America. Their fluffy bodies and round faces mean that they are undeniably adorable.
Not only are they one of the cutest animals in the world, but they are also very cheeky. While some hard-working pika gather food, some unscrupulous individuals steal from their neighbours, as recently shown on the BBC series Mammals.
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