The world under water is as mysterious to many of us as the Moon and the stars, but intrepid underwater photographers are braving the deep to capture stunning, captivating and extraordinary images of life under the waves. The annual Underwater Photographer of the Year competition celebrates the best of these pictures, and the UPY2018 is one of the best collections yet.
Here are the first, second and third place images in each of the categories but you can see the full set of winners, runners-up and highly commended underwater photos
All images © UPY2018

Humpback whale spy hopping
Wide Angle Winner- Greg Lecoeur (France)

Wide Angle Runner Up- Fan Ping (China)

Sunset Snorkel
Wide Angle Third- Brook Peterson (United States)

Seahorse Density
MacroWinner- Shane Gross (Canada)

Friend or Food?!
MacroRunner Up- Songda Cai (China)

The Shadow
MacroThird- Kenji Cheow (Malaysia)

WrecksWinner- Tobias Friedrich (Germany)
Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018

Safe Navigation
WrecksRunner Up- Gianni Pecchiar (Italy)

WrecksThird- Tobias Friedrich (Germany)

The fisherman
BehaviourWinner- Filippo Borghi (Italy)

In Hinding
BehaviourRunner Up- Scott Tuason (Philippines)

Gannets feeding
BehaviourThird- Greg Lecoeur (France)

A sand tiger shark surrounded by tiny bait fish
PortraitWinner- Tanya Houppermans (United States)

The nose
PortraitRunner Up- Mike Korostelev (Russian Federation)

Under The Wave
PortraitThird- Rodney Bursiel (United States)

Crocodile reflections
Black & WhiteWinner- Borut Furlan (Slovenia)

Graceful manta
Black & WhiteRunner Up- Sylvie Ayer (Switzerland)

Angels of the Deep
Black & WhiteThird- Santosh Shanmuga (United States)

Dancing with the giants
CompactWinner- Simone Matucci (New Zealand)

Flower power © Jack BERTHOMIER/UPY2018
CompactRunner Up- Jack BERTHOMIER (New Caledonia)

Frogfish Illusion
CompactThird- Ipah Uid (Malaysia)

Up & ComingWinner- ABDUL RAHMAN JAMALUDIN (Malaysia)
Up and Coming Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018

The Hammer
Up & ComingRunner Up- Jacob Degee (Poland)

Up & ComingThird- Austin Ferguson (United States)

Love Birds
British Waters Wide Angle Winner- Grant Thomas (United Kingdom)
British Underwater Photographer of the Year 2018

Shark Speed
British Waters Wide Angle Runner Up- Nicholas More (United Kingdom)

Fresh Otter at Sea
British Waters Wide Angle Third- Greg Lecoeur (France)

How many pike?
British Waters Wide Angle Highly Commended- Tony Stephenson (United Kingdom)
Most Promising British Underwater Photographer2018

Battle of the Tompots
British Waters Macro Winner- Henley Spiers (United Kingdom)

Topshell tapestry
British Waters Macro Runner Up- Cathy Lewis (United Kingdom)

Colourful Corkwing
British Waters Macro Third- Kirsty Andrews (United Kingdom)

Scratchy Seal
British Waters Compact Winner- Vicky Paynter (United Kingdom)

Intertwined Mute Swans
British Waters Compact Runner Up- Ian Wade (United Kingdom)

Curled Octopus
British Waters Compact Third- James Lynott (United Kingdom)
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