On sale date: 26th June 2014
Issue: 270
Who is the greatest genius?
What defines a genius? For some, it's the ability to pioneer new areas of knowledge. For others, it's persistence and methodical thinking, or the ability to work across multiple fields. These are all arguments made by the UK's top scientists in this month's issue ofFocus. Once you've read their nominations, we want to find out who you think is the brightest mind of all time.
The science of summer movies
Do you fancy yourself as the next Bruce Willis or Angelina Jolie? Could you keep on fighting after being shot multiple times, or escape from a car that's plunged into a river? We investigate the science behind Hollywood movies to find out just how plausible they really are.
A cure for headaches?
They affect millions of people, and yet we still don't know exactly what causes them. In the new issue ofFocus, we reveal how science is closing in on a cure for the dreaded migraine. Could we finally knock them on the head forever?
Also inside this issue:
Black holes on Earth:How the Large Hadron Collider will unlock the door to new dimensions
Sharp shooters:The future cameras that'll let you see round corners and shoot in the dark
Longitude:The incredible story of how it was measured
The outer limits:The strange worlds at the edge of our Solar System
Microsoft's translator:The technology that instantly translates languages as you speak
Q&A:Are coin tosses really random?
MegaPixel:Awe-inspiring images from the world of science
Tech Hub:What camera should you take on holiday this summer?
To Do List:Your guide to the month's best science books, events, apps, TV and radio
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