On sale date: 24th July 2014
Issue: 271
Take control of your dreams
Imagine being able to manipulate your dreams at will. You'd be able to conjure up your wildest fantasy, whether that be holidaying on Mars, lifting the World Cup, dating your dream partner, or something else entirely. Inside this month'sFocus, we reveal the scientific breakthrough that will unlock your brain's limitless power while you sleep. So grab yourself a copy, snuggle up under your duvet, and dream on!
The comet chaser
This month, 10 years after it launched, the Rosetta spacecraft will catch up to a comet travelling at 135,000km/h, before deploying a lander onto its icy surface. In the new issue ofFocus, we take an in-depth look at the space mission of the year, finding out why this daring spacecraft could uncover the Universe's oldest secrets.
Animal supersenses
There are many animals with keener hearing and sharper eyes than us, but some creatures have different sensory systems altogether. Helen Czerski explores the weird and wonderful world of animal senses, revealing how the platypus hunts with electricity, how the gecko sees in ultraviolet light, and why the catfish is often called a 'swimming tongue'.
Also inside this issue:
Antibiotic resistance:Is the solution in your backyard?
World War I:The scientific legacy of the Great War
Organs on demand:The new era of transplants begins
Summer speakers:The best wireless audio that money can buy
Discoveries:Fish-eating spiders, cosmic diamonds and shape-shifting materials
Q&A:How loud was the Big Bang?
MegaPixel:Awe-inspiring images from the world of science
Tech Hub:The sunshine-monitoring wristband
How Do We Know:The length of one metre?
To Do List:Your guide to the month's best science books, events, apps, TV and radio
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