While each new iteration of a smartphone or the promise of a flying car are exciting prospects, the reality is that if we’re not healthy, no smart gadget or novelty vehicle really matters. Your health is the most important thing in your life. If you don’t feel fit and well, relationships, work, and just about everything becomes a huge challenge.
Of course, technology and innovation have played a key role in medical breakthroughs over the years. In just a century, medicine has come along in leaps and bounds. We can now protect ourselves from serious diseases with vaccinations, peer into our bodies using X-rays and scans, fight infections with powerful antibiotics, and take painkillers to tackle everyday aches and pains. Yet even today, improvements in medical technology continue to astound us.
In the latest special edition from the Focus Magazine Collection, we take a look at the new medical revolution. We join the hunt for antibiotic drugs to beat the superbugs and look at how medicines can now be tailored specifically to your genes. And we reveal the cutting-edge research into some of the biggest health challenges facing society today – obesity, Alzheimer’s, ageing, depression and fertility. Plus, we look to the future to find out how we’ll fix our bodies using nano-sized robots or even build a human from scratch. Welcome to this exciting new era of medicine...

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