Author Helen Pilcher

Helen Pilcher

Science writer, presenter and performer.

Helen Pilcher is a tea-drinking, biscuit-nibbling science and comedy writer, with a PhD in cell biology. She contributes regularly to BBC Wildlife and BBC Science Focus, and has penned many popular science books. Life Changing: How Humans are Altering Life on Earth was The Times 2020 Science Book of the Year and was shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize for Writing on Global Conservation. Bring Back the King: The New Science of De-extinction was Radio 2’s Fact Not Fiction Book of the Week, and was described by comedian Sara Pasco as ‘science at its funniest.’ In other news, Helen is science advisor to the Beano, and owns a genetically-modified wolf called Higgs. Her favourite bird is the kakapo, her favourite moth is the Merveille du Jour and her favourite beverage is a warm, milky brew; no sugar.

Recent articles by Helen Pilcher

The (very adorable) reasons cats can fit into tiny spaces

Cats take a unique approach to small spaces, even if they shouldn't really fit

What are the best preserved Ice Age animals

Frozen in time, these prehistoric animals offer an astonishing glimpse into the past.

Why this 'zombie hand' fungus is even deadlier than it looks

Don't be put off by its creepy look, this fungus is actually great for the local wildlife.

Do animals that swallow their food whole, perceive taste?

Do animals that swallow their food whole, perceive taste?Apparently so, though not how you might think.

Nature’s Weirdest: The saiga antelope

Now that's a honker and a half.

Why are some people and animals lactose intolerant, despite drinking their mother’s milk when young?

Is milk just for kids?

Why do cats wiggle before pouncing?

Cats often shake their moneymakers pre-pounce. But why?

Nature’s weirdest: Burmese narrow-headed softshell turtle

Here's how scientists in China are trying to save the weirdest turtle in the world.

Anti-ageing pills are real, and some of us are taking them without knowing it

Eternal youth is the stuff of religion and mythology, but what if we could just have a bit more of it? What if there was a pill that could slow down the ravages of time, so that you could feel younger for longer. It sounds like snake oil, but there’s a growing body of research that’s betting on making it a reality.

Is it true that gorillas are permanently flatulent?

Better out than in, right?

What caused the Great Sheep Panic?

Experts, much like the sheep, are still baa-ffled.

Can you smell ants?

Expert advice: Don't stick your nose in an ants nest.