Duncan Geere
Duncan is an award-winning writer, editor and data journalist, covering science, technology and culture. Originally from the UK, he is now based in Sweden.
Recent articles by Duncan Geere
What is ball lightning?
This rare electrical phenomenon has been puzzling us for millennia.
What is a fogbow?
This rare weather phenomenon is the rainbow's ghostly cousin.
After humanity | A timeline of the Earth after we go extinct
A step-by-step, day-by-day guide to how nature and the planet adjust after humanity exits the stage.
Five ways humanity might become extinct
99 per of the species that lived on Earth have gone extinct, but should this worry us? Here are five ways humanity might go the way of the dodo.
How human extinction would change the Earth
If our species disappeared tomorrow, what would actually happen, and what kind of planet would we be leaving behind?
ASMR | Are 'brain tingles' more than just a feeling?
Welcome to the world of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, brain tingles that scientists think could be harnessed for good.
Where next for nuclear energy?
There are many advantages and disadvantages to nuclear power, but in a post-Fukushima and Chernobyl world, what chance does it stand?
Human extinction: how could it happen?
Six ways that the naked ape Homo sapiens could come to a sticky end.
Cleaning up after the emissions scandal
What did Volkswagen do when its cars didn’t meet emissions standards? It decided to cheat. Duncan Geere investigates Dieselgate and finds out whether we could ever clean up the air in our cities…