Author Dr Helen Scales

Dr Helen Scales

Dr Helen Scales is a marine biologist, broadcaster and science writer. She is the author of Spirals in Time and The Brilliant Abyss.

Recent articles by Dr Helen Scales

This bizarre spiked mammal is basically a real-life Pokemon

I choose you, lowland streaked tenrec

How many tentacles does an octopus have?

Go on, count them...

Nature's weirdest: The Spanish Dancer

It feeds on marine snow – and has a see-through digestive tract.

World’s weirdest: Meet the Christmas tree worm, the creature covered in feeding tentacles

Meet the bizarre underwater worm that looks like a Christmas decoration and sees through its gills.

The mysterious sex life of eels: How scientists finally unveiled their (truly bizarre) life cycle

Long, silvery and mysterious, these endangered fish make a big journey to reproduce.

What is a vampire squid?

All you need to know about this mysterious, glowing creature from the deep.

Megalodon: The giant ancestor of today's sharks

Huge, terrifying and now with their own movie franchise. We give you the lowdown on one of the Earth's greatest ever apex predators.

What is a wolf eel?

This voracious eater is not actually an eel...

What is the difference between a squid and an octopus?

Octopuses and squid are close cousins with much in common.

The beautiful, intricate world of seashells

Marine biologist Dr Helen Scales takes us beneath the waves to show us the stories that shells can reveal about their inhabitants.

Octopuses: 8 incredible photos of these magnificent cephalopods

Take a deep dive into the diverse world of some of the most intelligent invertebrates on planet Earth.

Mysteries of the deep sea: 5 burning questions about Earth's final frontier

Will we ever live in a deep-sea base? And how many unknown creatures lurk in the depths?