Dr Darren Naish
Dr Darren Naish is a palaeontologist and science writer. He is the author of a number of books on cryptozoology, including Hunting Monsters: Cryptozoology And The Reality Behind The Myths.
Recent articles by Dr Darren Naish
Godzilla vs. Kong: Here's who'd actually win in a fight, according to science
Vertebrate zoologist Darren Naish uses what we know about primates and reptiles in the real world to declare a real winner.
Loch Ness Monster: A timeline of sightings and searching
A century of sightings, evidence, investigations claims and counter claims – this is the chronological history of our search for the Loch Ness Monster.
Operation Deepscan | The hunt for the Loch Ness Monster
In 1987, Adrian Shine led Operation Deepscan – disproving once and for all the myths of the Loch Ness Monster
How do we know that the Loch Ness Monster doesn't exist?
Scientists are quite sure that there’s no such thing as the Loch Ness Monster, or Bigfoot, or Yeti. But how do we know for sure?
Reality Check | Are seagulls getting more aggressive?
They steal your chips and headlines claim they’ll eat your pets for pudding. But are these raucous birds really out to get us?
The Loch Ness Monster | How eDNA helps us discover what lurks beneath
For centuries, many have claimed that a creature lurks in Loch Ness. Now, by seeking out monster DNA from the loch’s waters, scientists think they know what’s down there.
The walk of prehistoric life
Meet the scientists using computer simulations and robotics to recreate the movement of a creature that lived before the dinosaurs.
What was the ancient animal Orobates?
Orobates was not a dinosaur, but a member of an earlier group named diadectids.
Were we once aquatic apes?
Dr Darren Naish examines a debate that's lasted 50 years.