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Strange skeleton discovery could rewrite our history of the pyramids

Subtle markings on skeletons have thrown into question what we previously believed about who was buried in pyramids

Clocks change UK 2025: When do they go forward and why?

Here we go again – time to sacrifice sleep in the name of sunshine

The (very adorable) reasons cats can fit into tiny spaces

Cats take a unique approach to small spaces, even if they shouldn't really fit

The depression myth: Why there's more to it than chemical imbalances

Depression is more complicated than you might think

A massive insect study may have made a huge mistake

The debate over the results of a highly-cited paper raises questions about how biodiversity loss should be measured

The mystery of your ‘baby amnesia’ just got even weirder

Scientists are trying to work out why adults don’t remember being babies and it’s all a bit sci-fi.

This bizarre spiked mammal is basically a real-life Pokemon

I choose you, lowland streaked tenrec

This simple snacking habit could improve your cholesterol levels: new study

This idea might seem nuts, but it really (pe)can work.

Are you a night owl? You’re more at risk of depression. Here’s why

The good news is that there are ways to protect yourself.

This stunning new cosmic map could decode our dark Universe

Millions of galaxies found; billions more await. The Euclid space telescope’s first glimpse into the universe will blow your mind.

Nicotine pouch flavours may make them more addictive, study claims

Nicotine is already highly addictive – now, a new animal study suggests certain flavourings make it even more so

7 evidence-based steps proven to create a happier, healthier home

New building regulations are intended to future-proof the country’s new housing stock. But what can we do to make the nation’s existing housing more efficient, more environmentally friendly and better to live in?

We’ve finally discovered how your brain differs from a chimp’s: new study

Turns out that our brains are quite unique compared to our closest animal relatives – if you look hard enough.

Here's how a false memory could be planted in your brain

Research suggests that your recollections aren’t just worryingly fallible, they’re also surprisingly malleable. So could someone plant a false memory in your mind?

How we're about to solve the world’s greatest archaeological puzzle

Artificial intelligence is helping archaeologists unlock Earth’s oldest secrets.

We finally know whether people see colours differently, scientists say

Many of us have wondered whether the colours we see look the same as those seen by others.

Strange microscopic lightning may have kickstarted life on Earth

Tiny zaps of electricity may have provided the energy to form life as we know it.

Think you understand your dog? This study says you’re wrong – and what you should do instead

A study on human perceptions of dog behaviour found we are much worse at understanding our dogs' emotions than we think we are.

This protein could play a key role in treating Parkinson's, new study finds

A recent discovery could help scientists find treatments for the second most common neurodegenerative disease, which currently has no cure.

Here’s what your waist size says about your future brain health

Your waist size in middle age could be linked to your brain health later in life, a recent study found.

Here's what night sweats could tell you about your body

When you’re sleeping, your body’s meant to be resting – but something’s not right. Here’s what could be behind your night sweats… and how to make them stop.

This ‘switch’ could put an end to your weight loss plateaus, say scientists

Counting calories to no avail? Scientists may have found a way to stop your body fighting weight loss.

This article is scientifically proven to improve your willpower

Scientists are discovering there are some mind tricks that can take your powers of self-control to the next level…