Top 10 largest domestic cats in the world

Here are the top 10 largest domestic cats in the world.

Published: November 9, 2023 at 2:40 pm

Whether you’re looking for a new cat to look after or simply have a curious mind (although we all know what curiosity does) about the fascinating felines, you might want to know what the top 10 largest cats in the world are.

While everyone knows the biggest cats on Earth are the wild ones – the largest being a Siberian tiger that reportedly weighed a colossal 300kg (660lb) – these giants don't make for the best pets.

Instead, this list of the top 10 biggest cats on Earth focuses on domestic breeds. These are the purr-fect pets that are doubtlessly the internet's biggest stars (sorry, dogs).

Below, you’ll find the list of the top 10 largest domestic cat breeds in the world, ordered by weight.

10. British Shorthair

Typically weighing between 13-18 pounds, the British Shorthair is the tenth largest domestic cat breed in the world by weight. It opens our list of the top 10 largest domestic cats in the world.

While this breed is the smallest in this list, the British Shorthair is definitely a large cat. A British Shorthair can stand as tall as 14 inches in height and measure around 22-25 inches in length.

The breed is a popular one due to its easy-going temperament and relatively placid nature. Its pedigree is one of the oldest around the world, with its domestication starting as early as the 1800s (at least).

9. Turkish Van

The Turkish Van can weigh up to 20 pounds and be as tall as 11 inches when fully grown. As its size can vary greatly (some Turkish Vans can weigh as little as nine pounds) we’ve placed it down in ninth in this list of the biggest domestic cat breeds.

When it comes to length, though, the Turkish Van can be a bit of a monster. One of the longest cat breeds in the world, a Turkish Van can be as long as 36 inches (three feet). Longcat is long and all that.

8. Ragdoll

The Ragdoll can weigh up to 20 pounds, making it a big cat and landing eighth on our list of the largest domestic breeds in the world.

Male Ragdolls tend to be larger than females and the largest can be as long as 21 inches in length and up to 11 inches tall.

Named for their behaviour to go limp when you hold them, the Ragdoll breed can be dated back to the 1960s in California, USA. The cat typically credited as the first Ragdoll in the world is a white cat named Josephine – another name for the Ragdoll is a daughter of Josephine.

7. Ragamuffin

A Ragamuffin cat can weigh up to 20 pounds, which means it is similar in size to the related Ragdoll above and spots seven and eight are interchangeable, really.

These fluffy felines can stand tall at around 15 inches in height, making them one of the tallest cats on this list, too.

Developed as a domesticated breed in the late 20th Century, Ragamuffins have thick and soft fur and like to follow their owners around the house. Known as a pet with a sweet temperament that can be taught tricks – if that’s what you’re after.

5. Bengal

A healthy Bengal cat can weigh up to as much as 22 pounds (though is typically less than this around 15/16 pounds), just like the Norwegian Forest Cat below. The male Bengal, anyway, as the female of the species may weigh only as much as 10 pounds.

These wild-looking domestic cats are popular for their colourful and patterned fur and can be as tall as 10 inches in height and measure around 18 inches in length.

Bengals need to run around and jump more than other felines in this list and are very athletic cats. You’ll need to allow them a lot of room to run and play for the Bengal to have a great life.

6. Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat can weigh up to 22 pounds, placing it fifth in our list of the biggest domestic cat breeds in the world.

If you’re after a cat with thick fur, the Norwegian Forest Cat might be the pet you’re looking for. These cats originated in Northern Europe, where the weather is cold and their fur can grow out to be as long as four inches.

In terms of height and length, a Norwegian Forest Cat can grow as tall as 12 inches and up to 18 inches long.

4. Chausie

Known to be able to reach a healthy high weight of up to 25 pounds (and maybe even higher), the Chausie is an undoubtedly large cat and is big enough to land fourth on our list.

Another domestic cat that’s valued for its wild-looking appearance a Chausie is a social pet that originated in Egypt as late on as in the 1990s which can be as tall as 18 inches in height.

The Chausie has long legs and loves to spend its time adventuring and being active – they don’t like being alone so can be a bit of a handful to look after. One for the more experienced cat-owner, we think.

3. Siberian

The Siberian cat can weigh between 10-26 pounds, with the higher weight enough to place it as the third-largest domestic cat in the world on our list based on weight.

As a formal domestic breed, the Siberian has been around since the 1980s. Before becoming a formalised domestic breed, though, it has actually been around for hundreds of years in its native Russia.

Another of the fluffy cats in this list, the Siberian can be as tall as 11 inches in height – couple that height with its weight and fluffy fur and the Siberian cat can look massive compared to some other breeds.

2. Savannah

Placing second place in our list of the top 10 largest domestic cats in the world, the Savannah cat can weigh as much as 28-30 pounds and is a popular breed thanks to its large size and leopard-like appearance.

If you’re after the tallest cat breed in the world, the F2 Savannah is the one to look out for.

Fenrir is the tallest living cat in the world according to Guinness World Records, measuring a staggering 18.83 inches tall back in January 2021.

These powerful cats are often walked on a leash like you might walk your dog due to their size and they might even play fetch… are we sure it isn’t a canine?

1. Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is the largest domestic cat in the world thanks to the breed being able to weigh up to as much as 35 pounds in weight and live a healthy life.

These monsters of the domestic cat world are famous for their size, fluffy appearance, and pointed ears. The Maine Coon can also be considered the longest cat in the world, measuring up to around 38 inches long thanks to their lengthy tails (the longest being 17.58 inches).

In fact, the longest cat ever recorded was a Maine Coon, Stewie, who measured 48.5 inches long, according to Guinness World Records.